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trying to create categorie fields in tickets

tachi191 September 29, 2022

i am trying to get some order in the side bar when working with tickets but only have 2 field "ditails" and "more fields" can i somehow add 1 or 2 more dropdowns of these on the right?Schermafbeelding 2022-09-29 113355.png

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Jimi Wikman
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 29, 2022

The left side is locked in two sections:

You can however add tabs to the right side where you see the Description. To do that go to Project Settings in the left menu and then go to Screens. Each screen will show you the list of fields and at the top of that list you have Default and next to it Add Tab.

tachi191 September 29, 2022

i think i am doing something wrong but cant seem to do it correctly, could you maybe show the screen where i am supposed todo this?

Jimi Wikman
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 29, 2022

Of course.

First go to your project settings -> Screens. Select the screen you want to change.

Skärmbild 2022-09-29 133354.jpg

Secondly Click the add Tab to add a new tab. Select the fields you want to add there in the droplist, or you can do that in the screen configuration as well.

Skärmbild 2022-09-29 133440.jpg

This will now add a tab in your issue.

Skärmbild 2022-09-29 133916.jpg

If you want to arrange things around in your Jira project, then you can click configure at the bottom right.

Skärmbild 2022-09-29 133934.jpg

This will let you drag and drop fields between the different areas, including the new tab.

Skärmbild 2022-09-29 134019.jpg


I hope that helps?

tachi191 September 29, 2022

kinda is, but not really what i was looking for. It can be a option for my plans. 
I was looking for the list on the right as circled in blue on my image. wanted to setup tabs for different categories. This to create some more overview and not getting long lists of info with info you dont always need

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