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some trouble

Kamil Askerov May 13, 2024

Hi. When I make migration from JS -> JSM (with deep clone app) I disabled automations. But when started the automations - I see that my automations working when thay was stoped(dissabled). I made migration in 11:30. Migration are over. Then I whent sleep. In morning I see that at night automations worked. How to make automation working only in period thay enable?


I have low of automation usage and my clients(customer) cant working when automation usage are over. Then I must work(like jira administrator) what automation working.


1 answer

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Kris Dewachter
Community Leader
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May 13, 2024

Hi @Kamil Askerov ,

What is the trigger for your automations ? Are they scheduled or are they triggered by an issue event (Created, updated, ...) ?

If scheduled, you can configure the timeframe by setting a CRON schedule in the trigger action.

Best regards,


Kamil Askerov May 13, 2024

Hi @Kris Dewachter triggered on issue event.

Kris Dewachter
Community Leader
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May 13, 2024

Can you check the "Audit Log" of the automation rule for which issues the rule was triggered and when. Maybe you can find the reason why the rule was triggered

Kamil Askerov May 13, 2024

@Kris Dewachter time is not same 3.16 in automation log but 2.18 in issue updated(related issue update date). Its interesting. Must be same? Dont understand 

Kamil Askerov May 13, 2024

@Kris Dewachter automations disable. Write some comments. When start automations - must that comments added - because automation anable? How much time the automation searching event that need to automate? Where can found this information?

Kris Dewachter
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 13, 2024

Hi @Kamil Askerov ,

There might be a delay in the execution of the automation rules.

Can you check this page   to see what the performance of the automation rules is ?


Best regards,


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