service desk mail cc emails handling

Deleted user November 12, 2014

It seems like the Service Desk product ignores Cc email addresses when one sends an email to the service desk assigned email and put someone in Cc.

Trace of the Cced person is then lost...

Is there something that can be done about it? A settings to handle the Cc emails?


5 answers

11 votes
Deleted user November 13, 2014

HI @Phuong Hung,

Thanks for your quick answer.

But what happens to someone else put in Cc? Can they also be added to the ticket created for this email?


For instance, a person sends an email to the

This person Ccs 2 of his bosses.

The email is taken by the service desk instance. But there seems to be no mechanism to keep track of the two bosses that were put in the Cc field of the email.

So those persons won't be notified for the followup on this request.


In my use case, all Cc email addresses have to be added to the ticket as "watcher" of this ticket.

If a Cc email address is not associated to a JIRA Service Desk user account, we would need to have the option of auto-creating the user account (Exactly like it's already done for the sender). 


What do you think of that? (That's something already in use in the other kind-like-service-desk software I currently use. I'm willing to replace it by JIRA-Service-Desk... smile )

1 vote
Phuong Doan
November 13, 2014

Hi @Jacques-Yves Bleau,

We decided to send notification email to the sender only. The main reason is that we don't want to send reply to all people involved in the email. However JIRA Mail Handler indeed has this option. You cannot configure it at the moment. 

You can either create a new suggestion or vote for this suggestion:

You should also leave a comment in the JSD-960 to describe your use case. 

0 votes
Hermance NDounga
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 5, 2017
Kirst Mackenzie July 31, 2017

Link doesnt work? Can you advise?

Hermance NDounga
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 31, 2017

Woops sorry, I think there was an additional space in it, I just modified it. 

Kirst Mackenzie August 2, 2017

Thanks - however i'm still unclear.

I (as the admin) sent an email and cc'd in some colleagues. This created the ticket in Jira and had the cc'd as participants.

My colleague then sent an email and cc'd in others and this again created the ticket however there were no participants?

Is it a setting that is required to be set?

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 2, 2017


From this paragraph in the doc that Hermance provided, I would suggest checking that first and if properly setup then something is 'broken'...


Customers can add individual participants if they have permission to share requests. If the customer is in one organization, their request is shared automatically. Customers who are in more than one organization can't share requests with an organization via email.

Kirst Mackenzie August 2, 2017

Hi Jack,

Is there a document on how I can check this? I'm still in the testing stages so this is all new to me

0 votes
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
November 20, 2014

This is a duplicate of another Answers post:


0 votes
Phuong Doan
November 12, 2014

Hi @Jacques-Yves Bleau,

At the moment, only emails directly sent to the registered email address are processed to tickets. This means the TO address must exactly match with the email address in SD Email Settings.

We already had a fix to remove TO address checking to allow cc, bcc, forwarding, and mail list to work. You can keep track of the progress of the bug fix here:

When the fix is released, the Fix Version field will be updated.

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