letter error in service management ("I, ı, İ, i")

Emre Ünal December 9, 2024

Jira gives me error when I try to type "I, ı, İ, i" at the search bar on the issues. Anyone has the same problem?


I get this error: "The Jira server was contacted but has returned an error response. We are unsure of the result of this operation."

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Dan Breyen
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December 9, 2024

Hi @Emre Ünal welcome to the community.  In my instance, I can search for that and it doesn't return any errors.  

Could it be something different between the browser you are using, and or any language settings?  I'm setup for English and Edge.  

Have you possibly tried other browsers? Do other users get the same behavior?

Do your results change if you only search for part of that string?  I searched Atlassian's Jira Site and didn't see anything specific to your workflow.

If you've tried those things, maybe you could click the 'Request Assistance' and see if Atlassian Support could weigh in on what's going on.

Hope that helps.

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