issue type in ticket

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September 21, 2023



I've got a problem with issue review in Jira Service Management.


I'm trying to reuse the issue type I've created but it's not really possible due to the fact that in the ticket on Jira, in the description of the ticket, the name of the issue type is used instead of the question added over it.


Here is the ticket I see from the service desk page :

Screenshot 2023-09-21 142904.png

Here is the ticket I see from Jira :


Screenshot 2023-09-21 143003.png


I hope you see the problem. Here is the request type :


Screenshot 2023-09-21 143113.png


The only way I think is to create an issue type called "Vacation to pay?" to get the same display on both side (jira vs service desk) or can we modify how the ticket is displayed in Jira?

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Jeroen Poismans
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September 21, 2023

Hi Jim,

I think you are confusing the term issue type and custom field.

Issue types distinguish different types of work. In your instance you might have Bug, Story, Tas, Epic, Incident ... those are the issue types.

The Department field is a custom field, defined to add info to a Jira issue. In a Request type you can define a customer facing description, question ... to display this field but in the "back", in Jira (as apposed to the portal), this field is still the Department field for the agents handling the ticket to work with.

Although reuse of fields is encouraged, for transparency and clarity the type of data in the fields should be the same in the different uses. If you really want it to read the same, the only way to do this would be creating a new custom field.


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