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internal notifications

Deb Keene February 16, 2024

We have internal notifications set up so people watching tickets, etc get email updates when something changes on the ticket.  The notification that is sent contains ticket number- summary on the ticket and what was updated (i.e. anew label was added to the ticket).


My question- do we have any control over what other information is contained in email notification - for example even though a status may not have changed- could status of that ticket also be included in the notification?


If this solution is available- can it be done without buying an add-on?

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Mikael Sandberg
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February 16, 2024

No, you cannot control what is included in the internal notifications that are triggered by the notification scheme. In JSM the only notifications that you can modify are customer facing ones, or if you are using automation to send a notification then those are fully configurable. 

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