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how to generate the ticket number back to number 1

MII Dewi September 23, 2022


I have a question how to generate the ticket number back to number 1? or what do you guys usually do to go live? since there are no differences between development environtment and production environtment? 


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 24, 2022

@MII Dewi hi,

You can't reset the issue keys of a project and go back to 1. You just can't. Issue keys are unique and stored inside the database. If you created a project you have two options:

  • Stay within the current project, since all your workflows/automation/etc are working as expected
  • Create a new project with shared configuration with the above one, and add all missing things (issue security, jira automations etc)
MII Dewi September 24, 2022

Hi, @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ thank you for the solution :)

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Paul Wiggers
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September 23, 2022

Hello @MII Dewi 

I haven't found a way to revert back to number 1. Usually we just go with the number, they are arbitrary anyway and it doesn't matter for the customer if the issue is number 1 or number 358.

I do feel the OCD pain though :)

MII Dewi September 24, 2022

Hi @Paul Wiggers thank you. Actually this is the customer request :”D

Paul Wiggers
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September 24, 2022

Ah well, in that case, @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ is spot on :)

Good luck with moving everything over to the new project!

MII Dewi September 25, 2022

Hi @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ and @Paul Wiggers 

Please kindly help, now I have trouble with the key, I already change the old key and want to re-use the old key for my new project but the error shows it can't be used because the old project is using it.

But, I tried it on my individual project and I can use this method but it's not working for the customer project. can you tell me why?

I've deleted all tickets in the old project but still not working.

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 25, 2022

You can't change the key and you can't re-use old ones. When you change the key from a project (e.g. ABC) to something new (e.g. DEF) that project now holds two keys, the old and the new. You can still query with the old key of the project. By just to be clear, you said only about "resetting" the key and go back to one. Not holding the project's key as well. :/

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