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date and time field in database

Maximiliano Acosta
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April 26, 2023

 Hi Team, For KPI reporting related to Jira Service Management orders.
We are using the Power BI Connector for Jira connector, to calculate the average resolution time we are not locating the table and field that stores the creation time and closing time of a ticket.
We get the creation date from the ISSUE table with the issue_created field and ticket resolution date in the same Table, with the resolution_date field (we only display the date, not the time) in both cases we need to also get the time and we don't locate the field .

Thank you!

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Liubov Topchyi
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April 27, 2023

Hello Maximiliano @Maximiliano Acosta ,

If you use Power BI Connector for Jira by Alpha Serve, I would propose using Time To Resolution data if this suits your use case.

Time To Resolution contains the date/time type of data:


But if you'd like to proceed with the Creation Date and Resolution Date from the Issues table, all the data is also exported as data/time data:


So it's not clear what causes the issue you face.

If you use Power BI Connector for Jira by Alpha Serve but still don't get date/time values via Time to Resolution/Created/Resolution Date, please contact us by creating a support request, and we'll help you to solve the issue.



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