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addOrganizationUsers client error

Karishma June 8, 2020

Running the command sample from the link :

>acli ..... --action runFromCsv --file "F:\jira cloud\organization.csv" --common "--action addOrganizationUsers" --continue

returns the error

Run: --action addOrganizationUsers
Client error: Service Desk 3.2 or higher is required to be installed on the Jira server. The following did not return da
ta: https://............................../rest/servicedeskapi/latest/info.


I have installed the connector and the client on my system, I am the admin. Did not install on the server.

Also every user added consumes a JIRA license-  how to add customers.

5 answers

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Reshma Begum _Appfire_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 14, 2020

Hi @Karishma ,


We hope that you are good with the solution provided by us.

To add a customer to a Jira service desk project in the cloud without the user consuming any license, please use the action addCustomer as given below.

--action addCustomer --customer "" --project TEST

 Similarly to add an organization, use the action addOrganization as given below.

--action addOrganization --organization "test" --project TEST 

Please do let us know if you have any questions. We are happy to help.




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Reshma Begum _Appfire_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 10, 2020

Hi @Karishma ,


Thanks for your response!


Could you please try to sign up to the portal using the link-

To add a customer to a Jira service desk project in the cloud without the user consuming any license, please use the action addCustomer as given below.

--action addCustomer --customer "" --project TEST

 Similarly to add an organization, use the action addOrganization as given below.

--action addOrganization --organization "test" --project TEST 

 Please refer to our documentation ( for further information on all the CLI action commands.


Please let us know if you have any questions.




Karishma June 18, 2020

I needed more time to test.

We are trying to automate adding organizations and customers to a project using the CLI commands. I found that first you have to add an organization, then you can add the organization to a project. So the beta version is not needed to add organization. This works for the existing ACLI release. The documentation should list this. I found an issue with addCustomer action (tested with the latest release not beta).

acli <name> --action addOrganization --name "A and C"

acli <name> --action addOrganization --project "EX" --name "A and C"

Organization 'A and C' added to EX.


acli <name> --action addCustomer --customer "" --project "EX"
Customer '' added.
Client error: No users found that match ''.

Adding it the 2nd time, returns success.

acli <name> --action addCustomer --customer "" --project "EX"
Customer '' added to project EX.

Sometimes even adding the email multiple times fails:

acli <name> --action addCustomer --customer "" --project "EX"
Customer '' added to project EX.

acli <name> --action addCustomer --customer "" --project "EX"
Customer '' added.
Client error: No users found that match ''.

acli <name> --action addCustomer --customer "" --project "EX"
Client error: No users found that match ''.

acli <name> --action addCustomer --customer "" --project "EX"
Client error: No users found that match ''.


Karishma June 18, 2020

Also is there a way to add both the customer's name and email to the project? I wish the ACLI documentation would elaborate more. I have to keep asking questions, instead of finding commands, options referencing the documentation.

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Reshma Begum _Appfire_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 10, 2020

Hi @Karishma ,

We have created a support request SUPPORT-4141 to track this issue on behalf of you. Please access the Support request SUPPORT-4141  and once you signup, please let us know your username so that we can add you as the reporter to the support request.


Could you please modify the instance name in file from jiracloud to servicedeskcloud as shown below and rerun the action. 

myjirasd = servicedeskcloud -s ${credentials}

default           = ${myjirasd}

Please let us know if you have any questions.




Karishma June 10, 2020

I tried signing up, keep getting a message the link is bad. I cannot access SUPPORT-4141.

I have the correct credentials, but keep getting the same error.

How can we add organizations and customers to a specific project? Adding users (addUsers) consumes a license.

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Reshma Begum _Appfire_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 9, 2020

Hi @Karishma ,


We have created a support request SUPPORT-4141 to track this issue on behalf of you. 

Please access the Support request SUPPORT-4141  and once you signup, please let us know your username so that we can add yourself to the reporter of the support request.


We have had similar issues in the past and this has been resolved in the latest CLI 9.3.0 Snapshot release. Please download the latest CLI client snapshot version from this link. and follow the steps given below to configure the snapshot. 


  1. Download CLI client v9.3.0 ( from here

  2. Unzip the files. 

  3. Go to the location where the folder atlassian-cli-9.3.0-SNAPSHOT got created and rename the file to 

  4. Open the file and configure your instance details. 

  5. Modify credentials with respect to your instance details where you want to execute the CLI actions. 
    credentials = --user --token xxxxxxxxxxx 
    myjira = jiracloud -s ${credentials} 
    default           = ${myjira}

  6. Save the file. 

Run the CLI actions.


Or please refer to How to update latest CLI snapshot jar file for existing CLI installers article to update your existing CLI installer version.

Please let us know if you have any questions on this. We are happy to help!




0 votes
Reshma Begum _Appfire_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 9, 2020

Hi @Karishma ,

We have created a support request SUPPORT-4141 for this issue on behalf of you. Please access the Support request SUPPORT-4141 and once you signup, please let us know your username so that we can add you as the reporter to the support request.

We have had similar issues in the past and this has been fixed in the lastest CLI snapshot  9.3.0-snapshot release. Please download the latest version of the snapshot through this link and follow the steps given below to configure the CLI 9.3 version and then run the CLI action against your cloud instance.

  1. Download CLI client v9.3.0 ( from here
  2. Unzip the files. 
  3. Go to the location where the folder atlassian-cli-9.3.0-SNAPSHOT got created and rename the file to 
  4. Open the file and configure your instance details. 
  5. Modify credentials with respect to your instance details where you want to execute the CLI actions. 

    credentials       = --user --token xxxxxxxxxxx myjira= jiracloud  -s ${credentials}

     # This defines the default client for actions, choose the most likely used client

    default           = ${myjira}


  6. Save the file. 
  7. Run the CLI actions.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this. We are happy to help!



Karishma June 9, 2020

I downloaded the 9.3 libraries, I get this error:

acli {myjira} --action runFromCsv --file "organization.csv" --common "--project ABC -
-action addOrganizationUsers" --continue

Run: --project ABC --action addOrganizationUsers
Parameter error: This function requires a non-blank value for parameter organization.

Run: --project ABC --action addOrganizationUsers
Parameter error: This function requires a non-blank value for parameter organization.
Client error: 2 actions failed from file: organization.csv

I am using the same csv template as listed in the example:

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