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Workflow Issues during approvals and transitions

Santhosh Raj March 17, 2024

Hi Team,

We have a problem in doing approvals and skipping it.
We prepared a JSM project with workflow below.

First two are approvals (Waiting for DG approval --> Waiting for HM approval) and then all the status like To do, In-progress, work in progress, testing, UAT, blocked, rejected in all stages.

So the problem now we are facing is.
when an request is raised in portal and is created as a ticket in JSM.
as agent/assignee can skip the approvals and can directly move to To do stage and all other stages which has ALL  option.

So this make an annoying workflow. Also we wanted those All stages to be there since that is our requirement too.

Need to know how it can be solved ?

We need that first two approvals to be done and then only it should move to other stages like to do and rest of those ?
So help us with that 

2 answers

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Asha Goyal
Rising Star
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March 17, 2024

Hello @Santhosh Raj 

You need to work on Validator and Condfition or this to achieve. Hope it helps.



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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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March 17, 2024

Hi @Santhosh Raj 

Just to confirm...

  • The statuses after approval are open, and...
  • Agents are skipping the approvals to go straight to those statuses this correct?


If yes, have you tried adding the condition "Block transition until approval" on each of the "All <> All" transitions?

This should stop an agent using those transitions until all outstanding approvals are completed. It might need some testing as you have two approval statuses, but I'd try this as a first option :)


Santhosh Raj March 18, 2024

Yes the status are being open and agents are able to move without approving.

Also updated the condition "Block transition until approval" for all other status.

But still showing other statuses. @Ste Wright

Any other ideas for making it. any conditions, validators, triggers or post functions anything like that

Ste Wright
Community Leader
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March 24, 2024

Hi @Santhosh Raj 

So it seems that condition only works for direct transitions from the Approval status - there is a feature request to change this though, check out: JSDCLOUD-12754 


I did find a workaround though:

  • Create two closed transitions from "Waiting for Approval" - one for approvals, and the second for rejections
  • Add the condition "Previous Status Condition" to all open workflow transitions, and ensure the most recent status (checkbox) was not "Waiting for Approval"


In this instance, an issue must be approved, and therefore moved to the destination status through approval, before you can use the other statuses.


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