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Will the OpsGenie Mobile app keep working after migration to Jira Service Management

Lothar July 1, 2024


Atlassian has scheduled to pull the plug on OpsGenie as from October 2024.

We now have the option to migrate our OpsGenie Teams, schedules and integrations manually or wait for atlassian to do it automatically in October 2024.

Nowhere in the" Start moving"- or "Set up operations"-documentation I find any reference on what will be the impact on the mobile Opsgenie app.

Will it keep working as before? Will we be needed to reinstall, re-register our account or reconfigure? Or will we be forced to install a different app altogether?

This is an important piece of information for all organizations that use OpsGenie for 24/7-support as we do. We will need to be able to switch within business hours of 1 business day in order to respect our SLA's.

I'm sure we are not the only client with this concern, so has anyone heard anything officially about this?

Kind regards

1 answer

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Kevin Patterson July 1, 2024

Hi @Lothar

Atlassian recently launched a new streamlined ops experience, see here: . If your JSM environment is using this new experience the old OG mobile app will no longer work. You will need to have your responders download the Jira mobile app (they've recently added alerts and on-call details in the app). 

If you are an existing JSM customer that does not have the new streamlined Ops experience the existing OG mobile app will still work.

I was not aware Atlassian was pulling the plug on Opsgenie this October, can you reply with a link that references this?



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