Why is the Request Type field disappearing from issue screens after moving to a new issue type?

Rowan September 21, 2022

This is a new issue that just started 2 weeks ago. On my screens for Creating, Viewing, Editing, and Closed; they all had the Request type field on the screen. If a ticket has a request type, it shows up where it is supposed to. And I had no issues with this until recently. As soon as I move the request to a different Issue type, the field completely disappears from the ticket screen. When I choose the Can't find your field, it brings up the screen and shows the request type field still there. I have to bulk edit each ticket to change the request type after moving it. Also it auto defaults the request type to Other Issues (A request type only assigned to Incidents) regardless of the issue type.

It doesn't matter what project I am using or what Issue Type I move it to, it disappears regardless of it being an Incident or Service Request ect. Also, all the issue types I have for the project have assigned request types, none are unassigned. I have also checked all the configurations, nothing is different or wrong. Nothing was changed between the time it worked to when it stopped.


Screenshot showing the field visible, then a screenshot of the same tab after moving the issue type:


Showing the request type field.PNG


After moving it to a different issue type:

Request type disappeared.PNG

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Frederic Chartrand
Rising Star
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September 21, 2022

Hi Rowan,

I could be wrong but it seems that the problem is that you don't map a new Request type when you move your tickets (as the system will not ask you too)

When moving a ticket form a project to another, the screen will ask you which destination projects and which destination issue type you want, but not which Request type. And because the initial request type doesn't exist in the new issue type you choose, the field is emptied.

And since after you move the ticket there's nothing in the Request type field, by default, JIRA will hide all fields that are empty.

Capture d’écran, le 2022-09-21 à 16.24.56.jpg

It seems that what you're doing right now is the only way to fill the request type field after you moved your issues.

You could create an automation rule that would fill the field after the issues are moved. Let's say that each time you move a ticket from Project A to Project B, you add Request Type 3 in the field, you could automate that with a rule that as a trigger "When issue is moved to a project"

Hope it helps

Have a nice day

Frederic Chartrand

FMX Solutions - Gold Solution Partner

Rowan September 23, 2022

Unfortunately, I move the tickets into a new issue type within the same project. But I didn’t think about adding an automation to fix it, I’ll try that now! 

I’m thinking it might be some kind of change they made with the new updates

Thank you!

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