Why is dark mode messed up on iPhone

Michael Coughlin
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January 7, 2025

I am attaching a screenshot of the same ticket on my browser on my PC and in the Jira app on my iPhone. Sometimes in some tickets, the text in dark mode comes in as a light blue that is almost impossible to read. How can I fix this? You can see that one is readable and the other isn’t  but it’s the same ticket  IMG_0239.pngimage.jpg

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Łukasz Modzelewski _Lumo_
Atlassian Partner
January 8, 2025

Hmm, just a guess, but this is probably the original styling from the email, as it looks like this ticket was raised via email. It it appears only sometimes then you can check if all email requests are styled this way / cause problems

Check out this thread as well: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Service-Management/Email-handler-creates-tickets-in-plain-text-rather-that-HTML/qaq-p/1803426 

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