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Why is JSM adding a Green Arrow Icon into email replies from the customer?

Kathy Hart
Community Leader
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October 19, 2021

We are using Jira Service Management on the Cloud for an external helpdesk. 

Very recently, when a customer replies to a JSM ticket via email, the system is adding a Green Arrow Icon to the reply comment. 


Except when you view it on the screen it is big and fuzzy. 

Screenshot 2021-10-19 142600.png

This is happening with multiple customers. It is not when the system sends out an email from the agent, it is only on the reply from the customers. 

So I do not know where to look to make it stop happening. Does it have some internal meaning for Jira? 

I've looked at all the automated notifications, but I don't think that really has any bearing here. 

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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October 19, 2021

That sure strikes me as odd. Are you saying this from multiple customers from multiple domains or is it a certain domain? My first guess would be that it’s coming from the sending party but if it’s happening for multiple domains that would seem to shoot a hole in that theory.

Kathy Hart
Community Leader
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October 20, 2021

@Jack Brickey That was my first thought as well. It first showed up from one of our regular customers, and I assumed it was something their system sent. Something in their company signature maybe? 

But then I was using my personal email as a customer to test some functionality, and the arrow showed up in my response as well on a completely different ticket / email chain. And I KNOW I did not send it. So the JSM system must be adding it in some way for some reason. 

The only things in common between the two ticket trails are that the responses were both emailed in, not added via the customer portal, and that they both relate to attachments. 

The only other Community Question I can find relating to green arrows was a really old one asking if the green arrow that indicates an attachment had been removed. But it related to an old version of server, and I am on Cloud. 

If it starts showing up in more tickets in our system, then I'll put in a Support Ticket with Atlassian. I usually try to start here in case my problem is something simple that someone else has already solved. 

Thanks for your response!

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