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Why i cant install JIRA?

Daniel Rytt October 15, 2021

Hellow, we lost the entire datacenter on my company because fire.. and now are re-installing JIRA desktop for service managment (it support)

when i try to install it on windows server, on the first configuration i get this message... how i can solved it? i need to rebuy a license? because we try jira cloud and dont work for us... we want the local instalation.

Any suggestion?


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2 answers

4 votes
Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 15, 2021

Hi @Daniel Rytt ,

I've just done a quick check on your (now expired) license and confirmed that Jira 7.8.1 is the most current release that your license is valid for. However, we've released a number of security advisories since then, and Jira 7.8.1 does not contain fixes for several of these advisories.

I would advise using the Free tier on Jira Cloud instead. You've mentioned that it didn't work for you - is there something in particular that was problematic? I'd love to give you a hand in seeing if we can resolve your issues with Cloud.

Daniel | Atlassian Support

1 vote
Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 15, 2021

@Daniel Rytt 

You need a license for the software to run.  You can retrieve your license through myAtlassian as stated in the instructions.  If you let your license lapse you will need to install an older version of the software in order to get up and running.

Daniel Rytt October 15, 2021

Hi Brant thanks for the answer, how can i know what older version i need to install for my license? i already have a license but i dont know what vers. need to install


Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 15, 2021

@Daniel Rytt did your support expire?  If so when? You should be able to match up an old release version with the license here by date:

Like Piero Fonsalias likes this
Piero Fonsalias October 19, 2021

Hi Brant!

Im a technician of D Rytt, can i ask a question for you?

What version i can install?
our support ended at 24/mar/18

And this are the version in year -/18

Can u mark me the version who i can install?



Piero Fonsalias October 19, 2021
Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 19, 2021

@Daniel Rytt Daniel Eads pointed out in his answer that you need to use 7.8.1.  He also stated that there are security issues with that version.  I would suggest after recovering that you upgrade to Data Center since you need an on-premise install.  If you do not your instance will be vulnerable to an attack.  

Piero Fonsalias October 19, 2021

@Brant Schroeder 
Thanks for the fast reply, already download, one question more, on the link /jira/download-archives 

and downloaded the version they give me this file, its for service desk managmnet or for software programming? 

I need the server for service desk.

Thanks again ! 


Piero Fonsalias October 19, 2021


Piero Fonsalias October 19, 2021
Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 19, 2021

@Piero Fonsalias What I provided was a Jira Software link.  If you are in need of Jira Service Management and going off of the date that was provided to by Daniel it would be 3.11.1

Piero Fonsalias October 19, 2021

Thanks a lot!!!! @Brant Schroeder 

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