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When issue fields updated need to send remainder email for assignee

Yeswanths October 5, 2024

Hi All,

When any issue fields are updated the reporter will get mails as shown in the Screenshot, Like wise need to send email to the assignee using automation. Can anyone please help with this issue how to generate this.




2 answers

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Joseph Chung Yin
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October 5, 2024


By default, the project notification scheme configuration already include the current assignee when issue is updated.  This will be the default system notification.

However if you want to include custom context in the notification content for the assignee, then you will need to use automation rule setup to complete this goal.

Please let me know if you need assistance on the automation rule creation or questions of the usage, and I will be glad to assist you further.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Yeswanths October 6, 2024

Hi Joseph,

can you please let me know how to achieve automation for sending email to assignee with the history of the issue as the content in email.



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Valerie Knapp
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October 5, 2024

Hi @Yeswanths , thanks for your question. 

The email you have shared in the screen is a standard notification in the project, which you can modify here in the internal notification scheme to include the Assignee.


If you want to send a reminder, you can also do that with automation but probably it would be using a rule to say, if the ticket hasn't been updated for a few days to send a message to the Assignee, or something like this. 

Hope this helps but if you have other questions, please write again and let us know. 


Yeswanths October 6, 2024

Hi Valerie,

Thankyou for the response. I have checked the notification scheme but it is not working the assignee is not getting the mail after he is assigned to particular issue i need to achieve the history of the issue should be emailed to  assignee when any changes are done on the ticket that need to be emaild to assignee as shown in screenshot.



Valerie Knapp
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 6, 2024

Hi @Yeswanths , thanks for your reply. 

The reason the assignee might not be getting the notifications could be this setting here -


If they are assigning the tickets to themselves, they will not get a notification.

For creating an automation, I always recommend to use the Jira Automation Playground - which has lots of worked examples for how to send a notification, which you could modify for your use case.

Best wishes

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