What is the email address of automation?

Marcelo Sanchez August 30, 2021

Hi There,

I have an automation rule where the last part is to send a EMAIL to SMS. My SMS provider asked me to whitelist the "from address" (from Jira automation) for this to work.

I cannot find out which one is it. Can someone let me know please?. 


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August 30, 2021

Hi @Marcelo Sanchez ,


It depends who you set to run the automation rule, do you have an automation user set? It would probably that e-mail used for that user.


Also, you can set to send an e-mail to yourself to test what e-mail is being used.


Marcelo Sanchez August 30, 2021

Hi Ben, 

Thank you for your reply and assistance.

I sent an email to test what email is being used, and it is the email from our corporate jira account (<jira@integritysystems.atlassian.net>) which seems not to be the one as I have already whitelisted this email address but it is not working, the EMAIL to SMS integration works as I am able to send EMAIL to SMS from other sources.

The actor is "Automation for Jira", which is the built in account for the automation.



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August 31, 2021

Hi @Marcelo Sanchez ,


There must be something else blocking it. If you confirm that's the e-mail sent to you , it should be the same if you are using the same rules.


Possibly confirm the whitelist just to make sure the spelling of the e-mail address matches. For example, system with/without an s.


If you are an admin, you also have an option to send a test e-mail directly as well to the e-mail to SMS integration.



Marcelo Sanchez September 1, 2021

Hi Ben,

I was able to find out the real email address,

It is no-reply@automation.atlassian.com

By adding that to my SMS provider and whitelisted it I am able to send EMAIL to SMS from Jira automation.




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September 2, 2021

That's great news @Marcelo Sanchez !

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