What is the difference between different product roles in JSM?

Fahad Akhtar
May 7, 2024


I notice that there have been a few changes to the Atlassian Admin page. One new product role that has been added is called the product admin role. There is also a new role called the user access admin role as well. Can you please explain what a product admins and user-access admins are and what they can and cannot do? Additionally please explain the differences between site-admin, org admin, and customer as well. 


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Tuncay Senturk
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May 7, 2024

Hi @Fahad Akhtar 

Please check this documentation.

Please find the related part quoted below:

  • Product admins – They administer settings inside the product depending on group memberships (e.g. Jira products and Confluence settings). Not all product admins need product access (e.g. Product admins for Jira products don’t need product access to Jira or Jira Service Management).

  • User access admins - They administer users and groups from admin.atlassian.com for a specific product in your organization. This role doesn’t grant access to the product.

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