What is the JSON for referencing an object in a different object schema?

Jacob Olson February 23, 2022

I am testing the ability to reference objects in different schemas using an external import. I am receiving an "UNKNOWN_REFERENCE" error for the "referenceObjectTypeName" fields in my JSON. I am trying to reference two different schema: "TestSchema2" and "TestSchema3". I am referencing an attribute "UserName" in the objectType "users" in the schema "TestSchema2" and I am referencing an attribute "Value" in the objectType "Vision" in the schema "TestSchema3".

I have not yet found any documentation that shows the correct way to reference an objectType in a different object schema. I am wondering if anyone knows the correct JSON syntax for this?

Image1 shows the JSON for the predefined structure. This is where I believe a possible error is. My initial thought is that in the "referenceObjectTypeName" field I need to also reference the schema the object type is in. I have tried multiple variations and none have worked. I also am curious about the objectMappingIQL. How would I reference the other schema in the IQL?

Image2 shows the object type mapping.


Thank you,







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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 6, 2022

Hi @Jacob Olson 

Currently it's not possible to reference an object type in another schema when setting a object reference attribute value using external imports.

I've raised a suggestion for this that you can vote and watch for updates: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDCLOUD-11024

If you don't mind sharing, it would be great to understand:

  1. What is the source of the data you're importing? (e.g. a spreadsheet, local database, 3rd party SaaS tool?)
  2. Why are the object types split across different schemas currently?

This will help us to understand the use case a bit better to decide the best way to solve this.


Jacob Olson March 7, 2022

Thank you for your response @Andrea 

1. The source of the data I am importing is a combination of local databases and an Asset Panda database. We are working on setting up automation to export the data from these local and 3rd party databases, reformat the data into a JSON import, and import the data into Insight. 

2. The details on how the Insight data will be organized is still being determined. I am testing our possibilities and noticed that when I manually create objects in Insight I can reference objects across schemas and I was curious if that was possible with an external import as well.

Thank you,


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 7, 2022

Thanks so much Jacob, that is really helpful :) 

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Vivian Escalante
June 8, 2024

Hello, do you have any documentation to reference an object under the same schema? Thanks.

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