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What controls visibility of fields under 'More fields'?

David Foote August 4, 2022

Hi all,

I am a new Jira admin and while working with a project admin, I noticed a difference in our 'More Fields' area. I am an org and site admin but had no particular role in this project.

Without having any specific role in the project, I see this under 'More Fields':



If I add myself to the project 'Administrators' or 'Service Desk Team' role I now see a bunch of fields listed under 'More fields'



What, if anything, is controlling the visibility/populating of the 'More Fields' section? I couldn't find anything that seemed specifically linked to it. Or is it just a feature of having issue permissions once I am in a project role?

Really scratching my head on this one, any insight is appreciated!


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Sam Nadarajan
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August 4, 2022

Hello @David Foote and welcome to the Community!

Fields that appear in this section are configured in the Issue Layout under the "Hide When Empty" section. If you want fields to always appear without having to expand this section, you'd need to move them above the dashed line.

Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 3.11.24 PM.png

If you want to remove the presence of these fields altogether, you can either remove those fields from the issue screen or drag them to the "Hidden Fields" section on the issue layout screen.

Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 3.17.46 PM.png

Hope this helps

David Foote August 4, 2022

My question I guess was more around why does being in a Project role affect the visibility of those fields at all?

My screenshots are of the same card, the only difference is in one I have a project role and the other I don't.

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Sam Nadarajan
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August 4, 2022

Can you provide a screenshot of the permission scheme used by your project? Some of those fields would only be available for users with a JSM license

David Foote August 4, 2022

I have, overall, a JSM license, but when I am not in the 'Service Desk Team' role for this given project, I get the following when using the Permission Helper:


I know a lot of the fields in that section are custom, if that matters.

The permissions scheme is ... a lot


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David Foote August 4, 2022

I should add that, without any specific project role, I do fine with Browse Permissions:


Sam Nadarajan
Community Leader
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August 4, 2022

Ah, it is as it says in the first screenshot from the permission helper - you need to be an agent in JSM to edit issues in the project, but to browse projects (which is just being able to view the project and issue data). 

David Foote August 4, 2022

So it just looks like the designed experience is that with just 'Browse Projects' on a given JSM project the 'More Fields' are hidden?

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