Visibility of Tickets on Customer portal

February 28, 2023

In Jira Service Desk, I want a user to see all the tickets (in the portal). They can only see what they created.
Surely it is a matter of permissions, I do not know where to configure.

Could you help me.



3 answers

0 votes
Ruth Davidson July 11, 2024

The customer must also be a Jira user to see all tickets on the portal in the same org.

0 votes
Denitsa Stefanova
March 7, 2023

Hi @prajakta_desai 

If you want all the tickets on the portal to be visible for a user, you can use the 'Show all requests in the report' option, which is available if you use the addon that my team created - Advanced Portal Reports

As a Jira Service Management administrator, you can enable Show all requests in the report to be visible and thus Customers will see not only requests that they or someone in their organization created but all requests in this Service Management.*

If you decide to try the app, there is a 30-day free trial!


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Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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February 28, 2023

Hi @prajakta_desai 

When a customer is in the Help Center and clicks on Requests, choose the option All instead of Created by me

Help Center - Requests - All.png

Or when you are in the Requests view, click on the second dropdown list and select Created by anyone

Help Center - Requests - Created by anyone.png

Please note that "all the tickets" means Created by me + where I am a participant.

If you make your customers part of an Organization, they can view all tickets that have been shared with the organization.

February 28, 2023

Hi @Dave Mathijs ,

Thank you for your quick response! 

I did the same, but the customer still cannot see the tickets to another customer from the same organization.They can only see what they created.

Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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February 28, 2023

The other tickets must have been shared with the organization in order to be visible for other members. Is this the case?

February 28, 2023

No.   I want all users to see all the tickets present in on customer portal. now i can only see what i created.


Expected Result --->

image (27).png


What iam getting now---->



Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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February 28, 2023

As I said before, then all tickets need to be shared with the organization by default.

⚠️ Attention: This will result in a lot of customer notifications for all members of the organization.

February 28, 2023

by default, all the tickets are sharing with reporter only. i want to all the users can see all the tickets are present on portal. 

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