Using automation to link issues

Martina Young September 21, 2022


I'm wondering if anyone can help me . I'm trying to see if I can create an automation rule to link issues together based on a value in one of the custom fields.

The custom field contains a unique issue number and I would like that issue to be linked with the current issue.

When an issue is created and issue number field is not empty, copy the value, look up the issue and if it's equal to link issues together.


Is this possible?



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Mark Segall
Community Leader
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September 21, 2022

Hi @Martina Young - Yes this should be possible.  It would look something like this:

  • TRIGGER: Issue Created
  • ACTION: Link issues
    • Select the desired link type
    • {{issue.YOURCUSTOMFIELD}}
Martina Young September 21, 2022

Hi @Mark Segall
Thanks for your response.

I have used add comment action as issue can not be found with digits only and must include project reference (SSRCE).

Error linking issues

: At least one of 'id' or 'key' is required to identify an issue.

I have used Add comment action as custom field only contains the number and it will not find related issue.

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Martina Young September 21, 2022

Jira rule.JPG

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Mark Segall
Community Leader
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September 21, 2022

Since your target project is static, you should be able to avoid the whole branch by doing this with your link:

SSRCE-{{issue.Early Engagement ticket number}}
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Martina Young September 21, 2022

Thanks you. I've managed to do it this way as I was getting an error messages.

EE and FE linking.JPG

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