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Using Automation and Custom Field to Auto-populate Computer Name from Insight Object Attribute

Marc Blascak October 3, 2022

Thanks to this forum, i have configured 98% of what i wanted from Insight and ticket field population.  I have 1 final missing piece.

Due to current limitations with Insight Cloud, i am in need of simply having a custom field that populates with the computer name, once selected from the initial Insight Custom Fields.

i have 2 Insight Schemas, with corresponding Object Schemas:

  1. Insight Schema: Assets
    1. Object Schema: Inventory
  2. Insight Schema: Employees
    1. Object Schema: Users

When a reporter submits a ticket request, i have a custom field that, with automation, auto-populates the User and User information into the ticket.  this works perfectly.  I have another custom field that provides a filter (constrained) drop down of all Computers that are assigned to the User (reporter) only.  This also works perfectly, as some of our users have more that one PC/laptop assigned to them.  and we want to be able to specify which device they are submitting tickets on, ticket by ticket.

Here are the issue(s):

  • Insight (Cloud) does show any tickets associated with an object (in this case the computer assigned) however, it only displays unresolved tickets.  it does not display all tickets that have been attached to that computer (historical tickets per computer)
  • I can add my initial custom field (Computer Name) as a column to a filter or reports in Jira, however, This field displays the object name, which when exported to csv or other reporting format, does not display the name, but the object ID, which is not practical.

my solution to the above was, i thought, pretty simple.  i created another custom field called "PC Name" in the ticket screen itself. My intent is that this will display a text only version of the computer name (which is an attribute of the object as well).  However, it is also behaving as a dropdown, constrained to just the PC or PCs the user is assigned to.  i wanted to have this field auto-populate (with no dropdown) based on information when it is selected from the primary Computer Information dropdown. 

I added some screenshots of my environment (i redacted some names, etc, but everything is populating correctly)


This is just the ticket screen, with the 2 additional tabs i have created - User Information and Computer Information

Insight 1.jpg


This is the User information tab, which is populating correctly from the Insight Custom field and automation set ups, based directly on the reporter.  this changes automatically if the reporter field of the ticket changes as well.  This works perfectly

Insight 2.jpg



This is the Computer Information tab, which is populating correctly from the Insight Custom field and automation set ups, based directly on the reporter.  This is appears initially as a drop down menu, constrained to only the computer objects assigned to the user (reporter).  this field works perfectly as well

Insight 3.jpg


This is the field i would like assistance with.  i would like the PC Name field below to automatically populate with the "plain text" name of the PC.  the field attribute for that is called "Computer Name" in the Inventory object schema.  right now it is behaving as the one shown above, where it is a dropdown that must be selected. 

Insight 4.jpg



Here is the custom field config for the PC Name field (shown above)  not sure what i need to adjust in here in order for the auto-population mentioned above to work

Insight 5.jpg



Here is the automation rule for the PC Name field.  again, i am sure this needs adjustment as well.

Insight 6.jpg


the community here has given me the answers that have gotten me this far, and i appreciate all the help!  I am hoping someone has this information too :-)

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