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User access across a project and service des

Anu Anirudhan October 2, 2022

Hello Community,

We have some users who has access to our JIRA project kanban boards.

Recently, I have started a JIRA service desk portal and since then all these users who are using service desk to log their issues , lost their access to the existing kanban project boards.

We have reviewed their access and notifications as advised in this link, and it says the user still has access to add comments. But they are not able to , in reality.

How can I fix this problem?




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Walter Buggenhout
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October 3, 2022

Hi @Anu Anirudhan,

It is virtually impossible to diagnose a permissions issue like this without information on how you implemented the change. Introducing a new portal would normally not impact the permissions that existed before, unless you have (unknowingly) modified group membership of your users or the permission scheme that was attached to your already existing projects.

However, here's a couple of things you could do:

  • Send your users a direct link (URL) to your kanban board and let them try to access the board directly. The Jira Service Management url is different from the internal Jira Software url and once you get stuck in the portal, there is no navigation option to click through to the internal Jira screens from the top menu. Maybe (let's hope), it's as simple as that 😅
  • Explicitly check the permission schemes of both your service desk and software projects. Make sure that your projects are using different permission schemes.
  • Finally check if nothing changed to the groups your users belong to in user management. Especially make sure that your Jira Software users stille have product access to JSW.

Hope this helps! 

Anu Anirudhan October 3, 2022

Thank you @Walter Buggenhout , I'll try those options.

Also noticed in the product access that we have 2 members having 2 different sets of access in the JIRA software.

Please see attached.



Sam is an active member with a JIRA license in the "JIRA-software" users group. But she is also in the View only projects group. Does it impact her overall access permissions, do you happen to know?



view only.PNG

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