Unable to add article to a category

Mo Bhimji
July 30, 2022

I've got several categories created and there are less than 50 articles per category. I created a new article today (July 30, 2022) and keep getting an error after I create the article and try to add it to a category.

The error that I receive is - the article's categories were not updated

I have checked and double-checked to ensure no hidden characters but no luck. I deleted the article and then created it again.

Not sure what else to try.

I should also add that I've tried adding other articles to any category, JIRA doesn't give me an error but when I look into the category there are no articles listed.

I cannot add the article to ANY category and none of the categories have more than 50 articles in fact most are less than 25 and some only have 2 or 3 articles.

I have administrator privs in the projects I am working in as I have done this before.


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Mo Bhimji
August 1, 2022

Assuming there was maintenance or something taking place. I was able to add the category to the article and it is displaying correctly.

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