Time to First Response SLA Timer Won't Stop

Jessica Kizmann September 14, 2022

We have a straightforward Time to First Response SLA set:


In most instances it seems to work. However, on random tickets, the Time to First Response clock doesn't stop when our agents leave a comment within 18 hours. We are on JSD Cloud, not server. I can't seem to find anything consistent across the tickets where it fails to stop, either.


EDIT: Could this be the issue?

One of our agents has multiple user accounts showing up in Atlassian. Although he's responding from his JSD agent account, his name appears in jira as what might be recognized as a customer account.



I looked under our JSD "People" and his gmail.com account isn't listed there, but I do see it under "Customers" without the ability to remove it. 


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Carlos Faddul
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September 14, 2022

@Jessica Kizmann the SLA will end when the Agent comments something to the customer, if he makes an internal comment, the SLA will continue to count.

If you accept a suggestion, put an extra finish condition, which would be the next status that the agent can advance the issue, then the SLA will finish/pause.


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Jessica Kizmann September 15, 2022

That’s what the agent has done. He left a public comment to the customer, but the timer did not stop.

Carlos Faddul
Community Leader
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September 15, 2022

@Jessica Kizmann via portal or internally in jira the agents comment for the customers?

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