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Ticket Sharing Configuration ?

Touqeer Anjum September 30, 2022


We have a project where we have a partner who uses Zendesk. We share the ticket with the partner from Jira Share and a ticket is sent with a link to our Jira ticket which requires login. The partner wants the ticket to come with details so a ticket is automatically created in their Zendesk as the partner does not want to use Jira.

How to configure Jira Ticket Share such that when the ticket is shared it should send the ticket details rather than a link ?

Or is there a different way to achieve this ?

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Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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September 30, 2022

Hi @Touqeer Anjum there are multiple third-party apps available on the Atlassian Marketplace that integrate Zendesk with Jira. Zendesk Support for Jira is even free.

Touqeer Anjum October 5, 2022

Thanks @Dave Mathijs 

Got this working by changing partner to Service Desk Customer Role. Then customizing ticket details being sent in Project Settings > Customer Notifications > Edit (Participant Added), and this worked fine.

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Dave Mathijs
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October 5, 2022

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