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Switching between JIRA tickets

Amanda Brown
I'm New Here
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November 1, 2020

Hey Team, 


Is there a Jira Keyboard shortcut, that when you are in the queue you can easily switch from ticket to ticket without having to go back to the queue each time ?


2 answers

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Liam Green
Rising Star
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November 2, 2020

Hi @Amanda Brown 

Welcome to the Community!

You can't do it from a queue, but you can do it from the search - so you could set up a saved filter if you want to do it regularly.  You could copy your JQL from the queue to use to save the filter.

Hope that helps, 

Regards, Liam

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Yevgen Lasman
Rising Star
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November 1, 2020

If you remember the ticket id you can type "/" which will open search and enter ticket id eg. ABC-123 followed by pressing Enter. This will take you directly to the ticket. Otherwise I don't believe there is a specific shortcut except those in your browser like go the next/previous URL, etc.

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