As I continue to explore and build out various Jira Service Management project spaces, I find the inability to create custom work categories rather difficult to ignore as time goes on. I wish there was a way to create a custom work category such as "events" to keep track of events that may not have become either an "incident" or even a "problem". For example, if I wanted to track an event where a user was reached out by a third party company for trying to sell the company a new service or product, I would like to track it as an event. Yes, I can create a custom issue type or even a request type and then create custom filters to showcase in the "Queues" work category, but the higher level perspective of a work category cannot be created from scratch.
However, what does the community think? I think this would be a good quality of life change to add even more flexibility where I thought already existed. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!