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Subtasks automation not working

Joanna Whitley October 24, 2023



I am hoping someone could help me.  I am trying to create sub tasks using automation.  I have to be missing something since the automation is set up exactly as other sub task creation automation.  Below is the setup for:  Form with customer fields linked, Customer field setup, and automation.  Is anyone able to tell me what step I am missing?

Sub-tasks Issues.jpg


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Esteban Diaz
Rising Star
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October 24, 2023

Hi @Joanna Whitley , 

Can you see some errors in the automation log?

What about the parent issue? The custom field IFO-Server creation value has been set properly after creation?




Joanna Whitley October 24, 2023

here is the Audit



the Parent issue is setup based off the answer in the form.  As far as I can tell that has been setup up properly.  Or at the very least it has been setup to mirror another working form/sub tasks automation.

Tom Lister
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October 24, 2023

Hi @Joanna Whitley 

From the audit log you have shared, it looks like the sub task creation is expecting the Description and Component fields to be set.

You can check if this is the case by creating a sub-task manually.

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