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Status report

Ali Azzam September 28, 2022


We are investigating a report/KPI feature, that can tell us how often our support department have nothing to do. Is it possible to track how often there isn´t any tickets waiting for support during open hours?

Thank you in advance!

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Tom Lister
Community Leader
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September 28, 2022

Hi @Ali Azzam 

There is no inbuilt mechanism. And in effect you are reporting the absence of data which is difficult to acheive.

You would need to create a filter to identify the issues or lack of i.e. 0 values returned.

You can then use this either:

- in a subscription to run and notify you of the current number of tickets. Although you would also have to get the emailed reports when there are issues.

- in a dashboard gadget that is set to refresh every 15 mins so you see the figures dynamically

- use a plugin like scriptrunner to run a scheduled job to check status and send you a notification

I assume the purpose is to congratulate your support team and tell them to take a well earned coffee break.

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Karolina Wons_SaaSJet
Rising Star
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November 24, 2022

Hello @Ali Azzam 

You can incredibly increase your team efficiency by tracking how much time each team member has nothing to do or how long it takes them to solve the issue.

I recommend you try Time between Statuses add-on (server version) to track the time spent in each status and the time it takes a task to move from one status to another.  This information will help you to identify bottlenecks easily by setting Start and Stop timers.


This add-on is developed by my SaaSJet team. Please, let me know if you have any additional questions.

Hope you find it helpful.

Ali Azzam November 28, 2022

Hi Karolina,

Thanks for your input!

So, can you explain how we should configure the add-on, if I only want to know how long time/hours/minutes during the 8 hours work day, where 0 cases was in status "waiting for support"?


Karolina Wons_SaaSJet
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 29, 2022

Hi @Ali Azzam 

Time between Statuses add-on allows you to generate the time spent report for each task. You should set the start and stop conditions in the status group configuration. Having a busy time, you can find a free one by calculating the difference between the busy time and working hours.

Hope you find helpful

Ali Azzam November 29, 2022

Hi Karolina,

Thanks for your input.


0 votes
Ali Azzam November 10, 2022

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your input.

Actually, I was searching for a solution to get cleared how many hours we aren't doing anything (zero tickets waiting for support). We could do other small/short task during this time.


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