Sprint field does not appear even after adding it to the screens

Ana Luiza Chagas
August 16, 2024

Hey guys! 

My team and I are trying to solve the following problem: The Sprint field does not appear in Incident type items after closing the item, making it impossible to edit. In service request items, the sprint field normally appears without problems.

1- I have already added the sprint field to my incident creation and editing screens, but even so, after closing the item, the field does not appear and we were unable to fill it in. Has anyone seen something similar?

Thanks for the help!sprint field.PNG


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Trudy Claspill
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August 16, 2024

Hello @Ana Luiza Chagas 

Can you provide more information about your scenario?

What screen are you viewing for the closed items? Is that a screen being viewed by the agent? If you pasted it in your message it appears to have not come through.

Are you managing JSM issues in sprints?

Why do you want to edit the sprint after closing the item?

Ana Luiza Chagas
August 20, 2024

Hi @Trudy Claspill

I managed to resolve the issue by editing the item type properties, making them accept changes after they had already been closed.

Anyway, thanks for the reply!

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