Sliding Due Date calculation.

January 22, 2023

I'm not sure if I have used the correct wording.
I'm looking for a process of being able to achieve a sliding Due Date, calculation and don't want to have to manually updated the value

OOTB there is a Due Date field that isn't populated, I've already asked the question from Atlassian of how this is achieved and I was advised by an Automation process, I've followed the recommendations for the Due date off triggered on comments and waited over  the weekend to see if the Due date field was populated and or changed , it hasn't been populated at all. so I don't think it has worked 

I want to Due date to be set off the SLA's when the ticket is raised by the customer  and accepted by our company, the time is dependent on the Priority of the ticket when raised. which is also considers the the daily working hours  Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.

To make it easier to explain the SLA is 24/7 

If a ticket was raised on the 01 March 2023 as a Pri 3, the SLA for a Pri 3 is 20 days so I would expect the Due date to be populated as 20 March 2023.

If that ticket was Open with me for action the due date should remain 20 March 2023.

If on the 01 March I investigate the ticket and set the ticket to Awaiting Customer Action and ask the customer for logs etc, I'd expect that every day that ticket is Awaiting Customer action the Due date is re calculated every day, which would mean that if the ticket was held with the customer until the 5 March the new Due Date would be Calculated at  (5 +20) 25 March 2023. If they sent the requested information.
Like wise if we have a status Vendor Action then the Due would also be re calculated depending on how many days where left..

Is that at all possibly - I want to be able to stop 
a. the Due date from being Blank
b. the Due date set on the ticket being raised  and not moving
c. a ticket being with he customer for action and then the customer saying you have breached your SLA the Due date has passed. 

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Community Leader
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January 22, 2023

Hi @Dave 

First of all I want you do understand that what you are requesting are two distinct actions:

  1. Calculate a date based on certain criteria
  2. Construct an SLA based on the above date

For the 1st request you have to make this calculation in one of two ways:

  • Jira Automation Rule
  • Workflow post function

Either way will work as long as you create the rule or the post function properly. You might need an app like JMWE, JSU, JWT or Scriptrunner to calculate the date from within a workflow. For Jira Automation, smart values will be the way to go.


  • Q: If a ticket was raised on the 01 March 2023 as a Pri 3, the SLA for a Pri 3 is 20 days so I would expect the Due date to be populated as 20 March 2023.
  • A: This can't be done out of the box, but can be done using an app from the marketplace. E.g. I've used an app called Time to SLA which uses dates as starting points and you can set your SLA accordignly. Of course there are also other apps in the marketplace which you can explore and see if they suit your needs (cost, functionalities,  etc). Keep in mind that you have a 30 day evaluation period.


  • Q: If on the 01 March I investigate the ticket and set the ticket to Awaiting Customer Action and ask the customer for logs etc, I'd expect that every day that ticket is Awaiting Customer action the Due date is re calculated every day, which would mean that if the ticket was held with the customer until the 5 March the new Due Date would be Calculated at  (5 +20) 25 March 2023. If they sent the requested information.
  • A: Most likely you can achieve this as well with a 3rd part app and with Jira automation (because you have to recalculate the date)


  • Q: Like wise if we have a status Vendor Action then the Due would also be re calculated depending on how many days where left.
  • A: If by vendor you mean a 3rd party, then this question falls in the above question. I mean it's similar.

Let me know if that helps.

Vicente Domínguez _Decadis AG_
Rising Star
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January 23, 2023

Hello @Dave  and thank you again @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ for mentioning us!

You can update the Due date field every time that it is transitioned from a certain status to another by using the JWT post function Update fields in combination with the parser function dateTimeToString().

We explain in our use case Set a date field to a future date how you could implement this. However, your requirement involves the usage of priorities to determine the number of days that should be added to the Due date.

If this is the case, the configuration could be enhanced in a variety of ways, either by using a ternary operator or the parser function getMatchingValue() in the expression or simply by creating several post functions with different conditional executions.

This is an example of a valid ternary operator, where 5 days would be added to the current date if the priority is high and 15 if it is set to any other value:

%{%{issue.priority} = "High" ? dateTimeToString( {system.currentDateTime} + 5*DAY , "YYYY-MM-DD", RUN_AS_LOCAL, RUN_AS_LANG) : dateTimeToString( {system.currentDateTime} + 15*DAY , "YYYY-MM-DD", RUN_AS_LOCAL, RUN_AS_LANG)}

I am part of the support for JWT for Jira Cloud. Please, do not hesitate to contact us via our Support Service Desk if you have any question.

Best regards,


January 23, 2023

@Alex Koxaras _Relational_ 

Thanks for your time and reply, unfortunately being relatively new to  admin side of Jira and still learning.

The Team Managed Project I have manually cloned from a live project has the following SLA's - I think the Time to Done is the type of SLA I need to focus on. Time to done.pngTime to first repsponse.png

I think I need to firstly somehow get the Due date field populated with a date for each of the given Time Goals 18h, 45h, 90h or 135h


 Due Date Field.png

Once I can get a static Due date populated, I think I could then work on the Due date getting refreshed depending on the status of the ticket.

Currently when I run a report for our customer the Due date is empty, the customer has asked about the Due date - I could manually populate the date but that doesn't work for me. 

I've downloaded the Time to SLA attempted to configure it - unfortunately a lot of the configurations and drop down possibilities went over my head, having said that Time to SLA now displays this on the ticket. 


Time to SLA example.png
 Ideally as mentioned above the Due Date field would be populated so it is displayed in the export report we use.

Automation would be the preferred way to populate the Due date,. Only because I've not yet looked at the work flow module a and am a bit stand off - ish of that module.

As you mentioned Once that is achieved, I could look at how to keep the due date updated dependent on the SLA Time Goal for that Project.

Prior to raising this post,  I attempted to Automate the Due Date with the following from Comments expecting the Due date to be populated. it never happened.


the issue.customfield_10048 was found by by entering the ticket number in the <issuekey> searching on the SLA name and then pasting the customfield number. finding custom field.png

Which hasn't appeared to have  worked.


@Vicente Domínguez _Decadis AG_  unfortunately I'll have to wait for a work colleague to return to work to ask for their assistance in understanding your post.

January 24, 2023

I've since found an Automation in another project that a previous manager set up but never documented how it was achieved. The Audit logs only show it has worked triggered twice. in 3 years

With that Project open to Automation on one screen and my Ttest Project open on another screen in an attempt to reproduce the configurations one by one I'm unable to populat a field.

The Issue Transitioned appears easy to follow 

1 Automation Due date issue transitioned .png

When I get to the issue fields condition  the working automation displays  customfield_10154 (Priority -G..... 

This isn't an option from the drop down, I can't select the text copy and paste that text into my test project and amend., I'm unable to see the full text 

I also noticed that the drop down only shows 50 of 134 - is it possible to display the remaining options 


2 Automation Due date issue fields condition.png

 Cheers in advance

Diego Aguila July 13, 2023

Hi @Dave , were you able to solve this problem, I'm having the same situation, I want to copy the resolution date of a ticket to the due date using jira automation.

Thanks in advance,


July 13, 2023

Hi Diego,

Please remember that I'm new to all this, so I'll try and explain what might help, 

You might be able to use a similar Automation to what I've done for this.
Prior to this I was using the Updated date as the closed date - unfortunately this is updated every time somebody adds a comment or changes a field in that ticket even when closed / Resolved - so it wasn't a true reflection of the closed date.

Bottom right of the ticket 


I found out that the Due Date is only a date field and not date / time field.  I believe it was designed for when patches are scheduled to be released so the date would be populated with a certain date when a patch containing various tickets is due to be released, that makes total sense to me.

Kind of similar to what you wanted above and it came out of this ticket. 

a. I created a Custom field called Closed Time CF  which is a date / time field  in the ticket type of  the project I wanted. (CF= Custom field so I and others know it is a Custom field at a later date).

b. I then created an Automation so when a ticket goes to a status  of Done, Completed, Cancelled, Closed, Resolved the Automation will update Closed Time CF with the Now date time - this might help with resolution date you mentioned above.

Please see the attached screenshots of the Automation


I hope this helps



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Diego Aguila July 14, 2023

Hi @Dave , first of all thank you very much for answering, I was doing some more research yesterday and what I did was that the due date field could be updated automatically with the resolution date assigned by the SLA previously configured.

The post that I found and helped me is: 

Where when updating the date assign the following code : {{issue.Time to resolution.ongoingCycle.breachTime.jira}}

The execution I have it configured to be done every day.


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