Setup automation for release - when a release date is set then fire a slack message

Ivan_He January 16, 2025

Hello everyone,


I am trying to set an automation when a release date value is selected for a release, it automatically send a message to a slack channel with the release date

Below is how I have the automation set up. It works, and I get a message sent to the Slack channel.


Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 2.23.35 PM.png

However, if I update other fields (for example: start date) the automation will send a slack message. If I mark the release as archived the automation will send a slack message.

I ONLY want to send a message if the release date is set or if it's updated. I believe the issue is due to the trigger when Version is updated, and if the due date is set then any time i update a field the automation will trigger.

Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 2.27.43 PM.png

Any idea on how I can fix this?


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Trudy Claspill
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January 16, 2025

Hello @Ivan_He 

That is not possible at this time.

This suggestion seems to be related to what you want; the ability to detect which field changed in the version (as well as the previous and new values for the field).

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