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ServiceDesk. Not seeing requests in organization details

Edgar Arutunyan
I'm New Here
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July 5, 2024

Good day!

I added an organization.

I selected that organization in a request (which was created by me). After that, I opened the organization details and I am not seeing that request.

I see that the request should be run by customers, but it's not really useful for me. I just want to select the organization in the request's field and then see all requests in the organization's card.

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Ciara TN
Community Leader
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July 8, 2024

Hi Edgar, 

Can you add some screenshots please? 

1. The request with Organizations visible

2. The Customers view with the Organizations visible. 

3. The Open requests view after you click on 'View open' from the Customers view. 

Thank you 


Edgar Arutunyan
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 8, 2024



I don't really want to give customers an invite to ServiceDesk. We are using it as the second line of support, so bassicly all the requests are created by our own employees in Support team.

I want to add organization to request just for statistics. Is this possible?


Ciara TN
Community Leader
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July 8, 2024

Yes you can add all agents into every organisation and then when creating in the portal the agent can select the correct one. 

I have this set up for multi region based teams and it works ok. 


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