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Service managment features

Daniel Bermudez August 30, 2023

Hello, my company is about to migrate from cloud to service managment and we would like to know if service managmet will have the same features (such as automation, SLAS...) as cloud.

Thanks in advance! 

2 answers

4 votes
Joseph Chung Yin
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August 30, 2023

@Daniel Bermudez -

Are you stating that you are moving away from Atlassian Cloud to "service management"?  What service management app are you referring?

Please advise.

Best, Joseph

Daniel Bermudez August 31, 2023

Hi, thanks por the answer!

We are planning to migrate from JIRA Server, to Jira Service Managment Clustered 

Joseph Chung Yin
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August 31, 2023

@Daniel Bermudez -

Here are a few reference links on Server to Data Center.  Please also note that Jira Software application is different then JSM.  So if you are moving from Jira Software to JSM, it is a paradigm change.  Example JSM licensing is based on Agent seats and all other users (i.e. customers) are free.  This is not the case with Jira Software where all users need to have licenses.

JSM on DC and Cloud have the same features although the envs are different.  

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph

2 votes
StephanieC August 31, 2023

Hi Daniel~

JSM is different from JIRA SW (JSW) in many ways, but your experience with the shift will largely depend on how you leveraged JSW and what drove you to JSM - and how you configure it. We are in the process of making the opposite move - we used JSW in combination with JSM (both Server installations). JSW is used for our client maintenance projects and internal time logging projects, and JSM was used for all Service Desk applications such as IT Help Desk and Facilities requests. 

Im not sure how much you will "lose", but the Portal interface with JSM is very different from creating tickets in JSW. Our users did not like the portal, but we added JSM a few years after users had already acclimated to JSW. 

As Joseph mentions above, the licensing is based on seated agents which leaves general users very little insight into tickets. If that works for your application of the product and company culture, you will not have an issue. We struggled with this as users wanted more insight to tickets as they had with JSW, so we had to add licenses. 

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