Service Desk

Pablo Marín
July 5, 2023

Hello I have a doubt in order to start creating a new project. In the same project, is it possible that different customers can not have access or can not see the rest of servicedesk portals?
Let me explain: The same project hosts different companies, in the Service Desk portal, depending on the Client user we want them to have access to a company, but with the same link. Or on the contrary we must create 1 project per company?


Thanks so much!


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Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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July 5, 2023

Hi @Pablo Marín ,

welcome to the Atlassian Community.

You can group your customers into the organizations, see here for more info:

Pablo Marín
July 5, 2023

Thanks So much Hana for your Fast reply.

My question is : As you say, i can group our clients into different company, ok but the problem is: With the attached image, I can give permission to each company to see only portal 1, or only portal 2 ? giving the same link for all?

Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 5, 2023

@Pablo Marín If you group your customers into different organizations, you can have one project (= one portal) for all the customers and provide them with the same portal URL

You can also configure it in a way, that one company has access to portal 1, another to portals 1 and 2, etc. Then you can share the general helpdesk URL with them and they will see one or more portals there.

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Pablo Marín
July 5, 2023

Thank you for solving my doubt Hana. It was what I needed!

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