Service Desk Support Ticket Categorization, Time Tracking and Reporting.

Michael LoCicero July 26, 2019

We currently have a growing list of support tickets that are either in the "ToDo" or "In-Progress" status categories. At the moment, we don't have a good way of understanding what categories these tickets are in, nor do we understand where our support team is spending the majority of their time. A couple of questions I'd like to bring up for discussion:

1) We'd like to create custom categories for our support tickets(i.e. product question, data issues, on-boarding, feature request, etc.). How have others solved this problem? With a custom label? Or perhaps with different issue-types? 

2) What are some good ways to report on support tickets per category? 

3) What is the best way to report on time tracking? We'd also like to better understand how much time we are spending per category as well.

Look forward to continuing the discussion.




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