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SLA issues

Sarah Cristina Bizewski August 29, 2024


Good morning, how are you? We woke up with issues with our SLAs in Jira. Talking to other companies, I was informed that they are also having problems. Are we really experiencing instabilities at Atlassian? Do we have an estimate for normalization? Best regards

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Sarah Cristina Bizewski August 30, 2024

Bom dia
Problema resolvido.

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August 29, 2024

Bom dia..


Aqui também estamos com problema @Sarah Cristina Bizewski , tivemos todos os SLA´s removidos dos tickets e ao acessar as configurações de SLA, vemos uma mensagem de inconsistencia, onde a página está com falha.


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Dan Breyen
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August 29, 2024

Hi @Sarah Cristina Bizewski were you able to see any issues this AM on Atlassian's Status Page?  I just took a quick look and don't see any issues currently reported. 

There appears to have been a performance issue which was addressed earlier today, is that what you were experiencing?

It's been my experience they're pretty good about updating that page if there are issues.  Do you have a specific issue with your SLA's?  I'm not aware of any issues with my JSM instance this AM.  

You can always contact Atlassian Support if you're having issues with your instance.

Hope that helps

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