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Retrieve data from custom field in Organizations

Top Level Group
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November 21, 2023

How to show the content of Organization's custom field in request from?

2 answers

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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November 22, 2023

Hi @Top Level Group 

As far as I know, given this is quite a new feature, this isn't possible at this point.

You can use these attributes in Automation, but only via JQL using the available functions


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Ben Finn
Rising Star
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November 22, 2023

Hi @Top Level Group ,

What do you mean exactly by "request form"? Can you provide a photo?

Thank you.

flim November 22, 2023

The Request form under Service request. For instance, I added a custom field "Client type" in Organization "abc". how do I show the "Client type" in the request form, as well as in the Filters?

Screenshot 2023-11-22 164940.png


Screenshot 2023-11-22 165215.png

flim November 22, 2023

There are information for add/edit/delete custom fields in organization, but how do I retrieve the data?

Manage organization detail fields 

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