Resolution selection by automation

Olivia Medina July 18, 2024

Hi guys, 

I have a Closed status that I want reporters or assignees to be able to select the Resolution once the status is transitioned to Closed status. I don't want to have it by default as Done or Closed using post-functions. In this case, I want to give them the ability to select if the issue is closed due to Duplication, Won't do, Can't Reproduce, or any other Resolution value available on the list when the issue transitioned to Closed. Should I go for the automation? If so, any idea how to do it? 

I use a premium plan as an org admin so I'm able to create global rules if needed.

Thank you! 

3 answers

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Joseph Chung Yin
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July 18, 2024

@Olivia Medina -

What you need to do is customize your WF's transition to the terminal status (i.e. Closed) to use a pop-up screen that contains the Resolution field.  You may also need to add a Validator to make the field mandatory, if the transition pop-up is not enforcing it (by default - it will always set the field mandatory against the transition to the terminal status).  Once you have that completed, you want to delete the default post-function call which set the resolution field value.

I typically don't give the option for reporter the ability to move the issue into a terminal status.

Hope this also helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

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Mikael Sandberg
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July 18, 2024

You can allow the user to select the resolution by creating a screen with the resolution field on it and then associate that screen with the transition to the Closed status. By doing so the resolution field will be required to be filled out before the issues is transitioned. If you look at the default Service Request Fulfilment workflow for Jira Service Management you will see how the resolution field is associated with the Resolve this issue transition.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 1.33.18 PM.png

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Olivia Medina July 19, 2024

Hi, @Joseph Chung Yin and @Mikael Sandberg thank you for these approaches, both helped me to solve it for my WF. In my case, I created a screen for the Resolution. I also added a rule on the transition so that when the reviewer, the assignee, or even the reporter needs to close a story the pop-up will appear to set the resolution before the transition can be completed.

Thank you again for taking the time to answer my question. 

Live long and prosper :)


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