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Request participants are not receiving issue updates

Yasmine September 20, 2022

Hi everyone, 

I looked through the other threads similar to this issue but i'm not seeing much about what we are experiencing. 

We've been using JSM for a few weeks, and i'm learning that the customer end features are rather limited, which is unfortunate. 

2 of our clients are using email submission to create issues and they are having issues with other members of the customer org not receiving notifications. We tried to see if that changes by adding them as a participant and CC-ing them on the initial email request which they receive confirmation for the issue, but do not receive any other communication on the ticket beyond that. 

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Lisa Förstberg
Rising Star
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September 25, 2022


As a first check go to project settings > Customer notifications 

Choose  for example Public Comment added and click edit. In the TO field the admin can configure who should receive the notification. Two options here: Reporter only / Customers involved

If your notifications is set to Reporter only, all other participants will receive no further notifications.


best of luck


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