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Request Type permission September 6, 2022

We are currently on a Free Jira Service Management and planning to go to Standard plan in the future after doing some test. 

In a project you can create several Request type and if customer created an issue it will go to the project's "queues". Is it possible that each request type can have separate permissions?



In a Project. RequestTypeA is for GroupA and RequestTypeB is for GroupB. GroupA can only see RequestTypeA issues. GroupB can only see RequestTypeB issues. But Group C can see all issues.

3 answers

1 vote
Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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September 7, 2022 -

If I understood your ask correctly, you cannot have different permission against among the different request types within the same project.

It means that customers can still access all the request types in the portal regardless which request groups those requests are grouped in.

However, if you want to control the access visibility of requests (after it is created), then you can implement Issue Security setup against your project -

Once security level is applied, then only one that are called out in the issue security setup can have access to the issues tagged with the specific security level.

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc. September 8, 2022

Hi Joseph,

Basically it's like agents can't see other agent's ticket/issue but they can add other agents to see the issue. And their head agent can see all issues. Sorry for my messy explanation. I'm new to JSM so I don't know what are the right terminologies or the right questions to ask. 

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 8, 2022 -

Using the Issue Security setup is the best way to control issue discovery/visibility. 

Question - "agents can't see other agent's ticket/issue but they can add other agents to see the issue."

Are you saying that you want the ability for the following case?

1) There are 2 issues (Agent a can only see 1 of them, and Agent b can only see the other one while Head agent can see both issues)

2) You want Agent a to have the ability to add Agent b to allow agent b to see the issue that Agent a have access to?

Please advise.

Best, Joseph September 8, 2022

2) You want Agent a to have the ability to add Agent b to allow agent b to see the issue that Agent a have access to?

Yes. That's correct. Im currently on free plan so i can't test it but we are planning to go standard if this is possible. 

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 9, 2022 -

You need to explore setting up Issue Security Configuration as I recommended earlier.  This is the best way to control issue discovery/visibility in Jira/JSM.

Best, Joseph 

0 votes
Matthew Challenger June 13, 2023

Is this doable? We've facing the same issue where we want to limit Customer permission (visibility to) certain Request Types.

E.g. Group A should only see Request Types W & X. Group B should only see Request Types Y & Z.

Matthew Challenger October 10, 2023

Looks like this is still not doable, but I found this requested enhancement (JSDCLOUD-195)  for those wishing to follow the progress of this feature. 

0 votes
Satya Dusanapudi September 7, 2022

Hello ,

Welcome to the Community. Yes it is possible to do that. 

Navigate to your Support project and click on portal settings >>Portal groups

Create a new group and add the request types which you want to put them available for the customers.

Let me know if you need any thing.


Satya September 7, 2022

Hi @Satya Dusanapudi 


Thank you for that. 

Also is this also possible for an admin? For example:

Admin view:

In a Project. RequestTypeA is for AdminGroupA and RequestTypeB is for AdminGroupB. AdminGroupA can only see RequestTypeA issues. AdminGroupB can only see RequestTypeB issues. But AdminGroupC can see all issues.

Like Satya Dusanapudi likes this September 7, 2022

Additionally, its like restricting an agent/admin to view other issues not assigned to them in the same project BUT can add watchers on those issues. 

Satya Dusanapudi September 7, 2022

Hello ,

Yes it is. For that you need to write an automation rule.


satya September 8, 2022

I see. got it. I looked into its automation and saw the rule for this. Just need to restrict agents to see other agents issue unless they where allowed by the agent. 

Like Satya Dusanapudi likes this

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