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Request Type Summary Overwriting a JMWE Field Set Statement

David B July 27, 2024

I am currently using JMWE to create a new request when an issue transitions to a status. In the create issue I set the Summary how I want it with some information from fields from the original issue etc. and when I test it out I noticed that the Summary I have for the request type of the new issue seems to overwrite what I want the summary to be. Has anyone ever run in to this before? I have done this before with other request types but this specific request type is just being a pain.

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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July 27, 2024

Hi @David B 

Usually JMWE runs after jira has run all their native functionalities and PFs. It could be:

  • That you need to wait a few secs and refresh your screen. That summary change should be there
  • You should search for another post function which overwrites your summary

In any case, chech the issue history to understand what's going on.

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