Reporter Location Automation

John Williams January 18, 2025

I am looking for a way to display the location of the person that logged an issue in Jira. I can see the location field when I view the my profile but I can't find out how to add this on the issue view. 

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Valerie Knapp
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January 18, 2025

Hi @John Williams , welcome to the Atlassian Community and thanks for your post. 

When you say you can see the location, do you mean in the user profile, as in When you talk about the reporter, do you mean just in Jira or do you mean also customers from the service desk? 

As far as I know, it won't be possible to retrieve the location from the user profile. 

A workaround would be to create an Assets Object Scheme to store the information about your users / reporters, like this. Basically to reference information in the automation, you need it to be in Jira.

If you have other questions or I've misunderstood you, please post again. 

Best wishes


John Williams January 20, 2025

Thanks Valerie, I shall add this to the list of things to crack on with.

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Gustavo Ezequiel Szemruck January 20, 2025

HI @John Williams , Welcome to the Atlassian community.

From what you mention, you don't need automation, but rather to gather information about the reporter's location. The location is a native piece of data in Atlassian that you can obtain via a REST API query.

The problem you're posing is the following: how do I obtain the location of each reporter who creates a request? You can solve this by configuring an automation that associates a custom field (new) with the location value obtained through the REST API.

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