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Martin Jovane
I'm New Here
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March 8, 2024

Hello to all

I am currently new to using the JIRA tool, I would like to know how I can configure so that customers (whether JIRA customers or not) can receive an email when I update information in a ticket created and the customer can respond by email and I can receive this in the ticket.

For example, I as a user of the tool I create a ticket, and I send to the store the email so they can follow up, the store sends an email and copies the email from the JIRA project to create a comment on the ticket, then I write a comment on the ticket, but the store does not receive an email notification showing what I commented on the ticket.

How can I configure this?


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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 11, 2024

Hi @Martin Jovane and welcome,

as an admin, please take a look to Customer Notification section on project settings page to review the notification settings.


Moreover, based on your scenario, verify that your comment is NOT INTERNAL because, otherwise, that comments will be not notified to the customer.

Hope this helps,


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