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Removing a Custom Issue Type

Elif Alverson March 7, 2023


I would like to remove a custom issue type from a project's issue type scheme so that users no longer create this issue type. However I do not want to loose the existing issues with this type. Is there a way to accomplish that?

Thank you.

3 answers

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Aditya Verma
Rising Star
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March 7, 2023

Hi @Elif Alverson ,

You would need to move the issues to some other issue type and then you will be able to remove the issue type from your project's issue type scheme.


Elif Alverson March 7, 2023

@Aditya Verma , that is what I thought but I just want to check and see if there is a way to keep the existing tickets with the same issue type without moving them to another one. Thanks.

1 vote
Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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March 7, 2023

@Elif Alverson -

Just like others mentioned that an issue type cannot be removed from a project once it is already in used unless you convert those existing issues to another issue type in your project first.  Afterward, you can remove the issue type from your project's issue type scheme configuration.

The key thing will be training for your JSM project agent to avoid using the outdated custom issue type via the Project UI's Create button.  One other approach is by renaming the issue type name something like "xxxx (invalid issue type)" to make it standout from the issue type dropdown.

Hope this also helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

1 vote
Marc Kraak March 7, 2023

Customer portal users? Then just hide it in Portal groups by unchecking all options

Project settings -> Request types -> . . . -> Edit Portal Groups


Good luck!



Elif Alverson March 7, 2023

@Marc Kraak , thank you for your response. I already did that part. I would like to remove it from JSM Create issue --> Issue Type drop down as well.

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