Regular Expression used in Jira Automation condition for part of description

Tom Brown June 25, 2024


I am trying to trigger an action using Automation for Jira on a create event that is conditional on a specific string being in the issue description.

Inclusive of quotes, the string is "System Monitor" = ABCDEFG but with various values included as an or.

As an exact phrase match in JQL only appears to work for issue summary I am trying to do this with a regular expression using the 'Compare two values' condition.

The problem I am finding is that this only works with my regular expression if the string above is the only text in the description. The string always exists on it's own line in the text. Does anyone have any advice for this. 

Current configuration for the Automation is....

  • When: Issue created
  • If: Compare two values
    • First value: {{issue.description}}
    • Condition: contains regular expression
    • Regular expression: "System Monitor" = (?:ABCDEFG|HIJKLM|NOPQR)$

I also tried setting the regular expression as a variable and then referencing that but same problem.

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Carla Ann Rowland
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June 27, 2024

Have you tried creating an automation rule with criteria that summary fiel5411611d contains System Monitor ? Also what kind of project is it software or service management?

Tom Brown July 3, 2024

Hi @Carla Ann Rowland

Thanks for your response and apologies for not getting back sooner (I'm not getting notifications from this site).

This is in a service management project and the string I am trying to search for is in the description and not the summary.



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