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Regex and automtions.

Marcos Lopes May 5, 2023

Yi Guys, I created a simple automation on Jira Service Management Cloud. This automation check if a last comment on issue has a specific regex: 

\[(x|X)\] - Chamado Aprovado\??

This statement will be write by a client, give me a message that a problem on a issues has been resolved.  But when my client write this on comment and click and save, the automation start by some errors happened. 

Above I paste a error message: 

Destination status could not be resolved. If using a smart-value ensure this resolves to a numeric status ID or untranslated name for issues (with current status):
CHA-1419 (Aguardando Confirmação de Entrega - 10046)

I set up a regex for specific transition between the two states, but the error happens for some issues. 

How can I fix it? 
Best Regards, 
Marcos Lopes.

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Fernando Eugênio da Silva
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June 1, 2023

@Marcos Lopes 

You are getting this error on some issues because the automation was unable to transition from one status to another.

At this point the condition of your REGEX has probably already been checked. The problem is in the ACTION in transiting the issues, try the following exercise:

Take an Issue where the automation error happened and check if there is any exit transition to the automation destination status, if yes, check if there are no conditions/validations in this transition that are limiting the automation performance

Let me know if you need help with this



Marcos Lopes June 12, 2023

Thanks Fernando.

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