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Queues based on portal groups

Furkan March 18, 2024

Hello everyone,


I am trying to have different queues for each portal group, sadly im stuck.


The way I have things setup right now is the following: 8 different portal groups for each location we have, each location will get their own queue based on the portal group. I can't figure out how to get queues filtered by portal groups. 


I thought it was easily done by labeling the task automatically by the portal group but that doesn't seem to be an option

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Walter Buggenhout
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March 18, 2024

Hi @Furkan,

A portal group is a logical grouping for request type in your portal. Since you seem to have set this up for different locations in your organisation, I think you can do two things here:

  • Create a custom field in your Jira instance that has all your possible locations. Add it to your request type forms and hide it from the user, setting the value automatically to the location the request type is for. That will have this filled out automatically and you can create your queues based on that location field;
  • Forget about the location field and create your queue by listing all the request types that you assigned to a portal group / location. You will then end up with a list of request types as filter criteria for your queues.

Anyway, you cannot use portal group as a means to search for issues/tickets, as there is no relationship whatsoever with the issues. They are just a way of grouping stuff visually for your customers.

Hope this helps! 

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